Let Fynda find you new clients today who are looking for an Expert IFA…
What our clients are saying…
Excellent easy to use service, my business has grown signifcantly since setting up – and the wonderful thing is that we havnt had to go through the pain of setting up campaigns, or web sites or anything!
Excellent easy to use service, my business has grown signifcantly since setting up – and the wonderful thing is that we havnt had to go through the pain of setting up campaigns, or web sites or anything!
Excellent easy to use service, my business has grown signifcantly since setting up – and the wonderful thing is that we havnt had to go through the pain of setting up campaigns, or web sites or anything!
I am a single person IFA specialist in retirement and pensions, I wanted to create 2 new clients a month – I needed around 10 new business leads – fynda provided this and the quality was really great!
I wanted to target Car finance for people with poor credit – Love it, I get 300 leads per month – but the great thing is that they are all really good quality!!
Fynda – Great Job boys – early days, but the signs are good and ive signed some really good clients !
Excellent easy to use service, my business has grown signifcantly since setting up – and the wonderful thing is that we havnt had to go through the pain of setting up campaigns, or web sites or anything!