Making it easier to get new business..
fynda a new way of getting new business
The world is changing. Social media and paid advertising is ever changing. You could spend thousands for little return.
Over the past 10 years we have worked with a large number of car finance companies to generate leads with a fantastic rate of success. But we always believed there could be a better way…
fynda a way of selecting what you want
By securing your selected regions, we will do all the hard work and take the responsibility for advertising and advertising spend, and just supply you with completed applications made online. We then charge you an agreed rate per application….
fynda is easy to manage
Manage your advertising spend only on applications, turn it off when you want, turn it up when you want.
You want up to 50 leads …. no problem, you want up to 200 leads, no problem…you want more give us a call!
Just pay for applications and don’t waste money on ‘prospecting’.
fynda does not waste your money…
We’ll ensure that you are the only company to receive Fynda leads in your selected region (we do not give the same leads to numerous companies).
We’ll send your details and your website information to the customer, and then send you the full application data, allowing you to focus on approving applications and helping to put your customers in cars.
Social media is a very competitive marketplace, there are LOTS of companies claiming to be ‘the best’ but they all do the same thing, charge you a large monthly management fee and then ask for £1,000+ for advertising spend.
Our experience allows us to put “our money where our mouth is”. If we don’t get you leads, you don’t pay for any… don’t get hit with huge credit card bills for Facebook advertising, just an invoice for actual applications….